Call for paper for Upcoming Vol./Issue

Global Journal of Computer and Engineering Technology (GJCET) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published by Global Knowledge Foundation (GKF) USA, Inc. since the year 2021, twice in a year (January and July). The journal is Open Access without any publication charges. We publish high quality, cutting edge and scientific research papers in the field of Mathematical Modeling and  Intelligent computing as a broad areas.
Authors are cordially invited to submit their original, unpublished research work for its upcoming Vol./Issue through Online Submission system. After the Review Process authors will be informed and paper will be published online.

Points to be remembered before submission

Topic: Topic must be as per the Scope (But not limited to) of the journal

Paper Template: Publication of any article/ manuscript in the GJMIC requires strict conformance to the Paper Template.

Copyright:  Author must submit Copyright Document by clicking check box of copyright link while submitting manuscript/paper through online submission system.

Plagiarism Report: Ensure that your manuscript/ paper is having not more than 20% plagiarism. Your are required to submit your plagiarism report (Preferably through Turnitin) while submitting your manuscript/ paper  through Online Submission system.

Steps to submit your manuscript/paper

Fill all necessary details and attach your manuscript and plagiarism report (If any).


Paper submission due:  Throughout the year

First review decision: 8 to 10 weeks  

Publication (On-line): January and July every year

In case of any query please feel free to contact at

Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Julius A. Alade, University of Maryland Est. Shore, USA


Global Review  of Business Technology (GRBT)
Published by  
The Global Knowledge Foundation (GKF) USA,  Inc. 
324 Belrose Drive, Cary, NC 27513-9748, USA

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